Roth Pump company offers a variety of chemical pumps for process systems. All Roth Pumps are regenerative turbine pumps that develop high pressures and operate with low Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHr). In comparison with centrifugal pumps, Roth Regenerative Turbine Pumps:
- Develop higher pressures
- Can be run at lower motor speeds
- Operate at lower NPSHr
Roth Regenerative Turbine Pumps are used for continuous, high-pressure pumping of a wide-variety of chemicals at refineries, chemical plants, industrial plants and offshore oil rigs worldwide. Roth’s low NPSH pumps are ideal for pumping liquefied gases.

Reed Huthmacher
Roth Pump Specialist
832.823.3522 (Mobile)
281.350.5757 (Office)